Rituals for Healing
and Transformation
January 2016
The Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, Canberra
The Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, Canberra
General informationTime together to move the body, still the mind, open the heart.
Time to let life in, let love out. Welcome the year with the spirit of heart-inspired adventure! Led by Shirley Campbell and Susanna Pain. We are thrilled to be collaborating on this project for the Summer. Shirley brings her wisdom and skills as a Dru Yoga and Meditation Teacher and teacher trainer. She is passionate about supporting the local community to live well and be healthy through yoga, meditation, music and shiatsu. Susanna is a spiritual director, InterPlay leader, Retreat leader, and priest who enjoys awakening the creative spirit in others, and offering experiences of depth and delight. |
Past event details7:30-9:00pm, Thursday 7 January 2016
7:00-8:00am, Tuesday 12 January 2016 7:30-9:00pm, Thursday 14 January 2016 7:00-8:00am, Tuesday 19 January 2016 7:30-9:00pm, Thursday 21 January 2016 7:30-9:00pm, Thursday 28 January 2016 $20 casual, $100 for the course The Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture 15 Blackall Street, Barton |
Susanna Pain | Philosophy
My aim is to enable the transformation of individuals and communities in good times and in bad, through change and transition; to create space where people can rest and feel safe with challenges and successes. I invite inclusiveness, grace, beauty and fun, as well as silence. I shape ritual and space that speaks to hearts and minds. All my midwifery is undergirded by prayer. |